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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Name: Johan
Nationality: Indonesian
Position: Goalkeeper
Jersey Number: 88

Favourite Team: Not Sure !!
Dream Team-mates:
Peter Schmeichel
Not stated but I would say 2/10 !
Brief or boxer: brief

About him...
-On the field: He is big physically and that made him very intimidating as a keeper. He may be a bit clumsy at times but definitely we can see that he has potential yet to be unleashed.
It is like a plant(metaphorically speaking) , need to be nurtured with the right nutrition and right amount of water in order for the fruit or the flower to blossom. If he trains with the right attittude and is taught with the right technique, that would really bring him very far.

I must tell you thou, he is always ready to dive for the ball and he has suffered quite a number of hit because of it.

Fighting for a place with Parinya since time is immemorial, I hope that he keep himself motivated! The league is coming soon and the second goalkeeper is equally crucial as the first keeper ! Don't let the status of 'subtitute' (you are not alone, there are few of us too as benchwarmer! Welcome to the club!) bring your mind down !

-Off the field: if there are many jokers in our team, there are bound to have some people who laugh to 'patronise' these jokers. Johan is in that category. Just like any sitcom (For example, Everybody Loves Raymond) there are always people laughing in the background whenever a joke comes up.

I gotta tell you, he probably he can one whole cow by himself. Big appetite for big boy. Fortunately, soccer balls and goalposts are not edible , or else..

Potential yet to be discovered, Johan.

posted by Charles @ 6:51 pm

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Sorry, if the updates get a bit infrequent this week. Blame the festive season, in fact love them.

We would like to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

__+880________________________ ++_

posted by Charles @ 11:47 pm

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Name: Steven Reagan
Nationality: Indonesian
Position: Defensive/centre midfielder
Jersey Number: 23

Favourite Team: Inter Milan
Dream Team-mates: Ronaldinho
Latecoming-Rating: 5/10
Brief or boxer: brief

About him..
-On the field: We have only revealed Andrew as a physically strong player. Well, Steven is definitely another one. Watching him play, it is as if watching Gatusso(From Ac Milan and Italy). He tirelessly fights for every ball, covered for attacking players, restrict the opposing players from too much space and added a 'physical presence' element to the central heart of our team.

Furthermore, He has a superb ball control which make him an excellent ball holder. He is calm and every ball seem to have an 'attachment' to him(his boots might have magnet or whatever!) Winning the ball from him is almost impossible.

-Off the field: well..Guess what, he is another member of F5 and by default forF5 member, he is handsome. He is someone who always get cracked up by many jokers from our team. But he doesnt just sit back and laugh, he will contribute. If Jason is the victim again, he will spice thing up ! If you get to know Steven, he is actually a very close ally of Parinya. Equally a big liar and a big bully. Run away from him while you can, save yourself !

Well, I just noticed that almost or in fact all the F5 members' profiles have been reviewed (Parinya, Steven, Andrew, Victor.. We are missing someone)-highly publicised!

In case you dont know, Steven has a younger brother that look like him, it is almost a clone! Not just the appearance but their style of play look so similar !(I must say Steven is much better thou') but if his brother continue to play regularly, you will probably see Steven paired with his brother in central midfield in the future.

Steven, a fighter by nature.

posted by Charles @ 4:16 pm

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Surprise, surprise.
The next person is our ex-player, Victor.
After graduation(from Monash), he went back to Indonesia for good and began a brand new chapter of working life in Jakarta. Eternal FC wishes him all the best.

Name: Victor 'Kubo' Intan ( He added the 'Kubo' not me !)
Nationality: Indonesian
Position: Attacking Central Midfielder/ Striker
Jersey Number: 14

Favourite Team: Manchester United (yeah!!!)
Dream-Teammates: David Beckham and Thierry Henry
Latecoming-rating: 8.5 (reliable, ask Parinya for validation)
brief or boxer: brief
favourite phrase: 'teman-teman.. kalian suka sepakbola?'
(subtitled: 'Friends.. you like soccer?')

Advice for Eternal FC: 'Please be serious in training mate.. maybe you think you are good already but the truth is you are not very good yet(example me haha).. above the sky there always be a higher sky... even your better than your teammates remember you will never ever surpass me so train harder so someday(maybe after 10 years) you can say that to me! HAHAHA.. Joking. Good Luck for your incoming league! Please be PATIENT especially with each other ! We are in the same team with the same goal ! ' - Victor

Insightful words from Victor. 'Above the sky there always be a higher sky' , I think he is trying to say 'The grass is always greener on the other side' .

I must agree with what he says about being patient with each other. Each individual has unique tolerance capacity and ,inevitably, there ought to be some conflicting personalities among us. We can learn from the 'Zidane headbutt experience', doesnt worth it yea?

Anyway get back to Victor...
-On the field : He has so much talent, not only equipped with great awareness of the ball and players around him but he has been blessed with so much pace and flair !

With tricky footwork and magnificent speed, he punishes defenders easily without mercy. On top of those elite attributes, controlling air ball is an easy affair for him and his heading is just exceptional.

He has scored a few goals, assisted many and produced many fine moments with his dazzling skills.

What a pity that he no longer can play for us. A player that probably can single handedly change the game's outcome or at least bring much positive influence.

-Off the field: He is the pioneer of F5, so he is equally handsome(as Parinya and Andrew).

Full of expressions, love to sing, a joker and outgoing. Similar to Parinya, His words are unrealiable(he is out there to fool you). AND similar to Andrew, He will make a remark that make you look like a fool if you happen to state/ask anything obvious (No wonder they are in F5).

For new players(like Rusdi and Chris) , he is the cousin of Adit( no wonder they are both ......) .

He inherited Angelina Jolie's thick lips. Big. Juicy.

Every defender's nightmare, Victor.

posted by Charles @ 1:59 am

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Name: Phillip
Nationality: Malaysian
Position: Right/Left Winger
Jersey Number: 10

Favourite Team: Lyon and Chelsea
Dream Team-mates: Juninho Pernambucano, Steven Gerrard, Joe Cole and Frank Lampard
Latecoming-Rating: 8.5/10
Brief or boxer: boxer( finally !! sometimes brief/tights when playing football)

About him...
-On the field: Wingers with great pace and superb crossing (like Ronaldo, Giggs, Joe cole, Ljungberg, Robben) are such a boost to the attacking power of their teams. Likewise, our team has been blessed with such winger, Phillip.

He is highly agile, extremely fast and has explosive accelaration. Did I mention about his top-notch crosses? Accurate and right amount of power to evade defenders and just enough for strikers.

Our right flank has been so effective and threatening with his presence. That's why Andrew and Charles called him 'ahbang' because he is our no.1 winger in the team.

In training, he will practise all kind of shots enabling him to curl the ball so flawlessly. That explains why he has manage to score many stunning goals from freekick(good curl and good power) in league games.
He is also the architect of our training programmes.

A natural sportsman that represented state and districts in many sports including cricket, soccer, hockey and atheletics; gold medal in triple-jump. Outstanding achievement from an outstanding player.

-Off The field: Ahbeng, ahbeng, ahbeng. That's what Singaporean's nickname for punk kids. He is not one but he look like one, almost a twin of any ahbeng in Singapore.

Very serious on the field doesnt make you unhomourous off the field. He has a good sense of humour, fun, outgoing, party-lover and has a very supportive girlfriend(even more committed than some of our players).

Not an Indonesian but yet he can comprehend every Indonesian's word(so dont scold him in Indo/English, just make fun of him when he is having leg cramp).

Girls must have envy him because he has very high metabolism rate that kept him small horizontally.

The supportive girlfriend mention earlier, Lela(left) and Phllip(right)

If you ask him what is the best human's invention. He would probably answer "Cigarette".

Fancy blistering pace and elite cross? Look out for our fiercesome winger, Phillip.

posted by Charles @ 2:04 am

Monday, December 18, 2006

Name: Jason Sutiono
Nationality: Indonesian
Position: Right/Left Defender
Jersey Number: 27

Favourite Team: Newcastle United
Dream Team-mate: Zidane !
Latecoming-Rating: 2/10 (Honesty is the best policy but 2/10 muhahahahhaha)
Brief or boxer: brief

About him....
-On the field: Dont be fooled by his blur appearance. You may be running a step in front of him,thinking you have dribbled past him.... but unanticipatedly , he will tackle off the ball from your feet AND the best part is ,it will be a clean tackle (an accurate tackle directed at the ball) !! We just loving him doing those tackles!

Not very big size but definitely his determination to win every challenge is much more than enough to ask for. I cannot deny that he has grown to be a much better player this year.

-Off the field: He is always the scapegoat/prey/victim of every Parinya's jokes(sometimes Yoko/Fat albert is involved too) and he will just smile it off !

He is very soft person and can be quite enigmatic at time(look like he's in deep thought all the time). At the same time, he is quite happy go lucky person (mutiple personalities!?!?).

"So cute !" . That's something Jason will say if he see a dog. What kind of dog? big dog, small dog, black dog, white dog, any dogs. He loves them all. Lets make him go mental with this photo

Tackling artist, Jason.

As promised,

The Tale of Darwinism

As the title suggest, the founder of Eternal FC is a man with the name Darwin. He was the founder and the dominating power at that time. However, performance was very bad since it started and many internal disputes quickly began among former players of Eternal FC...

To be continued...

posted by Charles @ 1:14 am

Saturday, December 16, 2006
Since Andrew or widely-known as Khong sent me his details & pictures first..

Name : Andrew AK
Nationality : Indonesian
Position : Left/Right Winger
Jersey Number : 11

Favourite Team : Chelsea (throw rotten tomato at him!)
Dream Team-mates : Not mention

Latecoming-rating : 8/10 !!!!
(note the sarcasm)

Brief/Boxer? : Brief

About him...
-On the field : Not the fastest player around but certainly has the strength to compensate it. In football, we are familiar with the term 'body shield'(that is shielding/guarding the ball with our body from opposition players) but have you heard of the term 'buttock shield' ?

Yes, that is his trademark move especially if you play against him in indoor games. He will suffocate you with his butt and charged like a raging bull.

(wax figure?!?)

-Off the field: Also Handsome(that's right , another member of F5), love to sing, a natural joker(that is, we dont laugh with him but at him), very resourceful when come to lame jokes and happen to be a Casanova(seen to be hanging out with many girls).

He is also very passionate about food, consequently, has a belly comparabale to fat Albert's. Who cares? He has a way with those ladies anyway.

Never ever ask or even state an obvious statement around Andrew because he will make a fool out of you.

Jason: why is it so hot?
Andrew: because it's not cold
Jason: .....

Andrew, very entertaining indeed.

posted by Charles @ 9:12 pm

Friday, December 15, 2006
I will begin introducing our players one by one.
Lets get the ball rollin' !

Name : Parinya Patracharukul
Nationality : Indonesian
Position : Goalkeeper
Jersey Number : 1

Favourite Team : Brescia ( !!!!!! )
Dream Team-mates : Roberto Baggio
Latecoming-rating : 9/10 (hardly late)
Brief/Boxer? : Brief ( "Boxer is not good !" - Parinya)

About him.....

-On The Field: Very serious even during training and friendlies.
He is highly disciplined, always arrives early (there are some exception occasions thou') and never sighed over heavy training.
He voices out what's on his mind so dont be offended, sometimes its just the burst of frustration at that moment but he mean well.

Quick reflex, good handling and decisive, these attributes surely have contributed him to be no.1 goalkeeper in the team.
Unusual it may be but Parinya(A KEEPER) can head better than most of us. If you happen to see any goalkeeper heading for the ball in Melbourne, that must be him.

-Off The Field: Handsome (subjective to your personal opinion) since he is a member of F5 (a group of 5 decide to form a group based on the fact that they are good looker !!!)

Smart, love to sing, electronically inclined, hardworking, a joker and definitely a big liar(always trick us to believe what he says).

He is probably the only person who can convince you that Santa Claus does exist and flying around on Christmas day. Another weird thing about him is he doesnt like his fringe touching his forehead.

AND He created this imaginary person named Teck Shiong and never trust him because this person doesnt exist at all !

My friends, this is he, Parinya.

Who's next on the line?
Phillip/Yoko/Fat Albert(depending who sent me their information first)

posted by Charles @ 3:49 am

Thursday, December 14, 2006
Eternalâ„¢ Football Club's blog is now up and kickin' !

We have participated in Indonesian Student Soccer League(ISSL) for two years
We won second place last year(1st runner up) but drifted to 6th place this year.

Our current
Manager: Fat Albert/Yoko
Captain: Phillip
Vice-Captain: Rusdi

Disclaimer: Im name calling Fat Albert not because for the sake of mocking him but there are 2 Alberts in our team and since the most obvious distinction are their size... Hence, Fat Albert and Thin Albert.

posted by Charles @ 9:33 pm

No. of visitors:

.Eternal FC

We are a team consisting mostly of Indonesian players. We play outdoor games in our home ground, Cliffton Hill and occasionally, we also play indoor games in South Yarra/Caufield.

We can chat endlessly about Premiership and Seria A and most of us, play Winning Eleven(soccer console game)! Indeed, we are passionate about soccer but it doesnt just end there. We are also friends on and off the field who share our fears,hopes,emotions and aspirations.

Webmaster contact:

.Scream Here

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Chelsea - The Blues
Liverpool - The Red
Arsenal - The Gunners
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Photobucket - Our Gallery
EternalFC - Home
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December 2006
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Brian Wiraatmadja
Parinya Patracharukul
Andrew AK
Jason Sutiono
Victor Intan
Steven Reagan
Dicky Chandra
Latest Eternal squad
Eternal FC 2008 league fixture

Pictures: pincel3d
Pattern: portfelia.com
Photo: photobucket
Music: MyFlashFetish
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Patience is a virtue.
Songs added: 5

Where words fail, music speaks
.Hans Christian Anderson